Provincial Airports of Angola connected to Luanda International Airport

Provincial airports of Angola with direct scheduled services from Luanda International Airport. Airport information, map, services and contact information.

Maps Airports

Map of Angola Provincial Airports

Map showing all of Angolas Provincial Airports with directly connecting flights to Luanda International Airport.

angola provincial airports map
Map of Angolas Provincial Airports Connecting with Luanda Airport

Provincial Airports in Angola

Information, locations, images and flight frquency for Angolas' Provincial Airports.

Cabinda Airport

cabinda airport
Cabinda Airport

IATA Airport Code: CAB
Cabinda Province
GPS - 5º35'49.6"S, 12º11'17.1"E

Luanda flight time: 1 hour
Luanda flights: 3 times per day

TEL: (+244) 231 224 176

Soyo Airport

soyo airport
Soyo Airport

IATA Airport Code: SZA
Zaire Province
GPS - 6º8'27.8"S, 12º22'18.6"E

Luanda flight time: 50 mins
Luanda flights: 5 days per week

TEL: (+244) 232 278 076

Dundo Airport

dundo airport
Dundo Airport

IATA Airport Code: DUE
Luanda Norte Province
GPS - 7°24′05″S 20°49′05″E

Luanda flight time: 1  hour 30 mins
Luanda flights: 7 days per week

TEL: (+244) 231 224 176

Saurimo Airport

saurimo airport
Saurimo Airport

IATA Airport Code: VHC
Luanda Sul Province
GPS - 9º41'20.2"S, 20º25'53.6"E

Luanda flight time: 1 hour 30 mins
Luanda flights: 5 days per week

TEL: (+244) 253 250 659

Luena Airport

luena airport
Luena Airport

IATA Airport Code: LUO
Moxico Province
GPS - 11º46'5.6"S, 19º53'50.7"E

Luanda flight time: 1 hour 30 mins
Luanda flights: 3 days per week

TEL: (+244) 222 320 150

Catumbela Airport

catumbela airport
Catumbela Airport

IATA Airport Code: CTB
Benguela Province
GPS - 9º25'46.1"S, 20º18'40.0"E

Luanda flight time: 50 minutes
Luanda flights: 7 days per week

TEL: (+244) 272 224 286

Huambo Airport

huambo airport
Huambo Airport

IATA Airport Code: NOV
Huambo Province
GPS - 12º47'10.7"S, 15º46'48.3"E

Luanda flight time: 1 hour
Luanda flights: 6 days per week

TEL: (+244) 241 220 191

Kuito Airport

kuito airport
Kuito Airport

IATA Airport Code: SVP
Bie Province
GPS - 12º24'17.5"S, 16º56'50.5"E

Luanda flight time: 1 hour 15 mins
Luanda flights: 1 day per week

TEL: (+244) 222 320 150

Namibe Airport

namibe airport
Namibe Airport

IATA Airport Code: MSZ
Namibe Province
GPS - 7º15'32.5"S, 12º51'45.3"E

Luanda flight time: 1 hour 30 mins
Luanda flights: 3 days per week

TEL: (+244) 264 265 199

Lubango Airport

lubango airport
Lubango Airport

IATA Airport Code: SDD
Huila Province
GPS - 14º55'36.3"S, 13º34'28.8"E

Luanda flight time: 1 hour 20 mins
Luanda flights: 7 days per week

TEL: (+244) 261 228 207

Menongue Airport

menongue airport
Menongue Airport

IATA Airport Code: SPP
Cuando Cubango Province
GPS - 14º39'27.5"S, 17º43'10.5"E

Luanda flight time: 1 hour 30 mins
Luanda flights: 2 days per week

TEL: (+244) 222 320 150

Ondjiva Airport

ondjiva airport
Ondjiva Airport

IATA Airport Code: VPE
Cunene Province
GPS - 17º2'36.3"S, 15º41'1.9"E

Luanda flight time: 1 hour 35 mins
Luanda flights: 3 days per week

TEL: (+244) 222 320 150

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